The science fiction short film showing the first man to travel beyond the speed of light

The fact that the human being can travel at the speed of light is a complicated subject, which today has theories where the result is almost always the same, that is to say, that it is something impossible. There are nothing and no one who can even reach the speed of light, including, of course, human beings.

The science fiction short film showing the first man to travel beyond the speed of light

Okay, it’ll be impossible in real life but not in science fiction. And now thanks to a short film we can learn about the story of astronaut Ethan Kane, who is the first human being capable of traveling beyond the speed of light.
Faster than light
The short film is called’FTL’ (Faster Than Light) and was written and directed by Adam Stern. That collaborated with Artifex Studios. In less than 14 minutes of video time. So, we can see astronaut Kane aboard the new Longshot spacecraft, which is capable of traveling to Mars, approximately 225 million kilometers, in just three minutes.

The one-way trip to the red planet turns out to be a success, but the return trip is the one that takes a turn that no one expected.

The short film has won several awards during its tour in various festivals around the world. Mainly due to its incredible visual effects. On the other hand. However, he has received a few criticisms about the story, where he could have gone deeper into the theoretical part. And not focused on the emotional factor.

For example, Roger Rassool, a physicist at the University of Melbourne. Also, it has best explained why we can never travel at the speed of light: “As objects go faster, their mass grows and the more mass they have. Also, the harder it is to achieve acceleration. So they can never reach the speed of light. Although in the short film we are assured that there are more advanced beings who can do this and much more.

However, the entertaining short film with sound effects and performances, where we do not need to invest much time.

And for those interested in knowing a little more about how the effects of this short film were made. Artifex Studios published a video of fewer than two minutes with some details and the work behind the scenes.