Relieve your stress with the following gadgets

Relieve your stress with gadgets, is that true? The tensions involved in earning a living, the pressure to maintain a home and social life, among many other demands of daily life, are undoubtedly elements that generate anxiety and restlessness.

There are many non-technological ways to calm down, but sometimes even the most Zen among us needs a little help. If your pace of life is too much for you, then we show you four ideal gadgets to relieve stress.

1.- Marpac Dohm-DS

Are you from people living or working in a noisy environment? If so, it is very likely that you think that 24-hour noise pollution stresses you. Of course, you could consider moving or changing jobs, but a less drastic solution is to use a white noise device.

The Marpac Dohm-DS model has a double speed motor and an asymmetric fan. It provides the sound of moving air by integrating tone and volume settings. It has been scientifically proven that white noise masks unwanted sounds, as long as it is played at a constant volume.

You can purchase the Marpac Dohm-DS white noise machine by following this link.

2.- Muse

Meditation is one of the most recognized techniques, not only to eliminate stress but also to cure anxiety, control anger, focus on your goals, relax your body and even improve your overall health. Unfortunately, meditation is not easy to do; That’s where Muse can help you.

It is a headband that reads your brain waves to establish whether your mind is active or calm, and in response, reproduces appropriate sounds through your headset. The device can also register all your sessions through the application that accompanies it.

You can buy the Muse headband by following this link.

3.- Sunbeam thermal pad

Stress not only affects the mind; The muscles and tendons are also stressed either by overload or as a side effect. In those cases, the Sunbeam heating pad is a viable alternative; You can help get rid of muscle cramps and knots. The pad of 30 x 60 centimeters, has three heat configurations and a sliding temperature adjuster. Also, the pad cover is machine washable.

Probably the most significant advantage is that it allows moist heat to be applied to the body. It has been shown that moist heat relieves pain faster than dry weather.

You can buy the Sunbeam thermal pad by following this link.

4.- PureSpa USB

Flavored oils have become very popular in recent years; The right combination of oils can help alleviate allergies, improve concentration, aid sleep and of course: relieve stress.

Typically, the oils are placed in a large diffuser and evaporate in the air. However, these large diffusers are challenging to move, which complicates taking them to the office.

The PureSpa USB personal aroma diffuser uses the same principle, but with a very convenient size; The device, which has three landing pads, connects to the USB port of the computer to obtain the energy it requires.

You can purchase the PureSpa USB fragrance diffuser following this link.