Qualcomm will push its mid-range SoC a little further with the Snapdragon 450. It is an on-chip system that maintains the eight Cortex-A53 cores of the Snapdragon 435 distributed in two clusters of four. But that technology increases its frequency from 1.4 GHz to 1.8 GHz. This model also has the peculiarity that this time Qualcomm uses 14 nm technology instead of 28 nm Snapdragon 435.
Snapdragon 435 Specifications
That provides the company with a performance improvement of 25%. The GPU that supports this processor is Adreno 506. It provides a 25% more graphical performance. Also, causes a reduction in power consumption for up to 30%. The DSP can manage a camera of 21 Mpx or two of 13 Mpx each. That will have improvements in real-time blur effects and image enhancements. And talking about the video recording, the new technology is still bound on the 1080p at 60 FPS.
The good news is that the Snapdragon 450 supports Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 3.0 technology. That allows charging a 2750 mAh battery from scratch at 85% in just 35 minutes. Also, the new chip has an option to interact with the USB Type-C connector for charging and data transmission. Also, the new chip can transfers files using USB 3.0 protocol. The LTE modem is Snapdragon X9 through which we can have a download speed of up to 300 Mb/s. And you can easily manage a Wi-Fi 802.11 ac MU-MIMO connection in his chip.
In practice, there are not many differences on Snapdragon 625, which also uses 14 nm technology. Qualcomm will begin production testing on T3 and will arrive on devices by the end of the year.
Features Snapdragon 450 by Qualcomm
general | |
Architecture | 64-bit |
Instructions | ARMv8-A |
Technology | 14 nm |
CPU | |
Total Cores | |
Main Processor | 4x Cortex-A53 at 1.8 GHz |
Secondary Processor | 4x Cortex-A53 at 1.8 GHz |
Memory | 800 MHz LPDDR3 |
NAND Reading | EMMC 5.1, SD 3.0 |
GPU | |
GPU | Adreno 506 |
Maximum Resolution | 1920 x 1080 px |
Others | |
Max. camera | 21 Mpx or double ISP of 13 Mpx Mpx |
DSP Chip | Qualcomm® Hexagon ™ DSP |
GPS Chip | Qualcomm® IZat ™ Gen8C |
Network Chip | Qualcomm® RF360 ™ front end solution |
Fast charge | Qualcomm® Quick Charge ™ 3.0 |
Connectivity | |
LTE | Cat 7 MHz |
Data | LTE Cat. 9 300 Mb / s discharge and 150 Mb / s load |
Wifi | 802.11 ac MU-MIMO |
Bluetooth | 4.1 |
USB | 3.0 |
Others | NFC |