Qualcomm Snapdragon 1000 is not only suitable for computers but also for a wide range of applications

The Qualcomm Snapdragon 1000 is a new, high-performance processor that is under development. We know it’s supposed to power Windows 10 computers for ARM architecture. However, it appears that its use may be much wider, as suggested by Microsoft. The new SoC chip can be used on many other devices.

The Qualcomm Snapdragon 1000 is in preparation and is expected to be an even stronger processor than the Snapdragon 85x, which will go to next year’s smartphones. Until now, it was thought that the new system would be used primarily in Windows 10 for the ARM. However, one of the job offers at Microsoft reveals that the plans are different.

Microsoft writes in one of its jobs offers that it is looking for a specialist to test equipment with Snapdragons. The Snapdragon 1000 and Snapdragon 845 are mentioned there, and interestingly, the offer includes not only computers but also Andromeda, HoloLens, and products related to mixed reality. The new system can, therefore, be used for a really wide range of applications.

he comprehensive specification of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 1000 processor is unknown, however, and remains a secret for the time being. Leakages are eight ARM-based cores, an LPDDR4 memory controller that supports up to 16GB of RAM, and two UFS 2.1 bones connected in the array. TDP is 12W. If you are looking for a new smartphone with the currently most powerful Snapdragon 845, you will find several offers below.