Pico Neo VR – 6DoF goggles with two 6DoF controllers

In the end, it begins! VR goggles will be released from the wires, providing an independent functioning, i.e., improving the comfort of use. In 2017, I wrote on my blog about several projects that are going for it (some of them even debuted), and 2018 will show the results. Pico Neo VR is another example of the VR system in an attractive, independent format. In the simplest terms, it is cheaper than the Vive Focus equipment with 6DoF technology (and for both goggles and controllers). According to the manufacturer, it’s the first one in the world.

Pico Neo VR – 6DoF goggles with two 6DoF controllers

Recently HTC presented the Vive Focus model and the Vive Wave platform. Pico Neo is a headset compatible with this program. That guarantees the device access to content, i.e., probably the most important one. Let me remind you that Vive Wave is used to speed up the porting of titles to mobile VR units. The latest Pico goggles are the first third-party type that will work with the HTC platform. Viveport applications are to appear here, as well as productions transferred from Google Daydream mobile goggles or Samsung Gear VR. I think that’s what will encourage producers to prepare glasses and developers to create software for Wave.

I will go to the specification of the new generation Pico Neo VR because it is lovely. First on the theme 6DoF (six-degrees-of-freedom). If anyone does not understand these signs yet, I quickly explain. 6DoF is a full range of motion readings, that is moving the head around you, but also changing positions, or moving. These solutions are known from the advanced HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Now, these possibilities will be available in independent, mobile variants of goggles (most of these toys only support 3DoF – just the head reading). In the set, Pico will provide two mini controllers with the same precise position recognition system in space. Together, we have an excellent collection of full play in a virtual environment. That will facilitate the firing of titles prepared for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Pico Neo VR Specifications

Independent goggles work on the Snapdragon 835 Mobile VR Platform, have 3 GB RAM and 64 GB of memory with an option to extend to an additional 256 GB. We will see the picture on two LCD screens with a resolution of 1440 x 1600 pixels (3K quality). They have a 90 Hz refresh rate and 101 degrees viewing angle. The battery will allow about three hours of goggles to work. Similarly to the HTC Vive Focus in the Pico Neo goggles, we find a dual system of cameras and sensors to track the position in space. Goggles can be bought in a cheaper version with 3DoF controllers (about 610 $), but there is also an option with the mentioned 6DoF (810 $). It’s a business type for more advanced needs. Pico Neo VR has thus penetrated the Vive Focus model, which has only one pitch and only 3DoF. Pico controllers work using ultrasound, which is detected by the goggles, but they must be visible in the range of 160 degrees before the sensors planted on the goggle front. I wonder what the effectiveness of these tools will be.

For now, Pico has started pre-sales of units in China (like HTC Vive Focus). The equipment is expected to debut in January 2018. The manufacturer promises that soon will also start selling Neo goggles in other markets. The product will be presented at the January CES 2018 exhibition.

source: Pico