Nvidia confirms that its GPUs are immune to Specter

The latest update of Nvidia drivers includes a protection measure against the Specter vulnerability. Also, they take advantage of by some means to affirm that the company’s graphics cards are vulnerable to this security breach. That is something that has been disproved by the own Nvidia

Nvidia GPUs are safe

The big Giant Nvidia confirms that its GPUs are immune to Specter

In addition, Nvidia has come to the step to verify that their graphics cards are safe from specter. So, the protection in their drivers comes as a measure to protect the users of processors sensitive to this security failure.

The Geforce Experience application interacts with the kernel of the operating system to request the user’s password and email data. And at this moment the security can exploit by hackers to exploit the Specter vulnerability. Nvidia does not want to put its users at risk. And therefore has included a protection measure against Specter in its new drivers.

Our GPUs are immune. They are not affected by these security problems. What we did was release driver updates to patch the security vulnerability of the CPU. We are repairing the CPU against the vulnerability in the same way that Amazon, SAP and in the same way that Microsoft and others are patching, because we also have software. I am absolutely sure that our GPUs are not affected.

With this, it is clear that the Nvidia update comes to take precautions. And protect users from the security hole in the current processors, mainly from Intel.

