New malware has infected 5 million Android devices

Malware is something that unfortunately affects Android on a regular basis. Although it’s been a while since anything about a major attack had been published. But, a new malware attack has occurred. A significant attack that has already infected 5 million phones with the Google operating system. This malware has infiltrated a process that is pre-installed on the devices.

New malware has infected 5 million Android devices

The cause this time is an application called System Wi-Fi that is installed by default on phones of brands such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Samsung, Honor or Vivo. So it is something that affects many users as you can see.

Malware affects Android

It seems that the application, when not pre-installed, can be installed on the phone without the need for the user to give permission. Therefore, it is difficult, if not impossible, for the user to know that it has been installed. However, Android’s control allows us to identify whether we have been infected by this malware.

What you need to do is to go to the phone settings, then to applications and check if any of these processes are installed in the system applications:


  • (每日黄历)
  • com.changmi.launcher (畅米桌面)
  • (系统WIFI服务)
  • com.system.service.zdsgt

If the answer is yes, then you have been infected. But the good part is that we can manually uninstall these processes from the phone’s settings. So there’s no need to panic. Since the problem has a solution. If you have a phone with Google’s operating system of the brands mentioned above, you should check it out.