Mozilla Firefox 60 will display sponsored content

Firefox has been growing significantly in the market in recent months. Mozilla has been trying to bring its browser closer to Google Chrome in market share for some time now. We currently have version 59 of the browser, but some details about version 60 have already been revealed, and users may not like them. Since sponsored content will be displayed in new tabs.

Mozilla Firefox 60 will display sponsored content

As early as January, there were discussions about these plans to introduce sponsored content. But it looked like they weren’t going to move on. Although the latest news seems to say just the opposite.

Specifically, what the browser would introduce would be occasional sponsored content in the recommendation section in new tabs. In addition, it appears that it will be a function that will not be available from the start in all countries. Rather, it will be extended over time to new markets. For now, Firefox 60 will officially arrive on May 9th.

Despite the introduction of this measure, the browser will continue to give priority to user privacy above all else. In addition, they qualify that their approach allows for personalization at all times. So the user’s privacy is not compromised.

So users with Firefox 60 will be able to disable this content if they want to, so they won’t be bothered. We’ll have to wait until next week for this version of the browser to arrive and see how they integrate. What do you think about the company’s decision?