Mars 2030 VR Experience Will Launch on 11 July For HMD Devices

Embark on the first manned scientific mission yet to take place on the red planet from July 11 on Rift, Vive and PSVR. Mars 2030 virtual reality experience comes from the Fusion Media Group (FMG), in collaboration with NASA and MIT’s systems space laboratory. That will release on Tuesday 11 July.

Life on Mars VR Experience: Technicolor Working

It is part of the first scientific mission manned to Mars and discovers the mysteries of the red planet, as well as the sensation of becoming an actual astronaut. The company task will be to explore and study the geology of the world. These include lava tubes, frozen lakes, and rocky mountain peaks. All this practical reality experience will come to actual with the official data of the planet provided by NASA. They also add realistic weather conditions, atmospheric pressure and complete cycles of the Martian day.


Mars VR Experience

The company representatives have worlds on this project. Thye company is facing the daily challenges of operating, maintaining and repairing of our base camp equipment. With this experience, we will have a vehicle to move at our disposal with the help of the humanoid robot Valkyrie to take samples. That will later analyze in the laboratory station with the support of a microscope.


Also, we will have the opportunity to see how Mars was 4 billion years ago, thanks to the Haley simulations that are used in Mars 2030. The Mars 2030 experience comes with Unreal Engine. Mars 2030 is designed to take benefit of the full-scale room. And use motion controllers to handle any element and develop through the virtual world.

Mars 2030 Fragment of the music that will accompany us

In addition, the music comes from symphony orchestra of London. And will play a significant role in transmitting different emotional states, which will depend on where we look. There is a use of Ambisonic technology for that purpose, that will allow for propagation of audio in all directions in the most realistic way as much as possible.

Mars 2030 will be available on July 11 for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR for $ 14.99.
