Kira, a mechanical keyboard looking for financing in Kickstarter

For those who are looking for an elegant, robust and durable keyboard for their computer that is not satisfied with any of the usual models that can be found on the market, Kickstarter has a campaign still open for Kira, a mechanical keyboard model with more than worthy specifications, because to its elegant design that will fit any modern and functional desktop, it combines the use of its mechanical push buttons, durable and anti-marshalling key plastics.

Kira, a mechanical keyboard looking for financing in Kickstarter

In addition to all this, the compact design, with all the necessary keys, and open-source software, will create a community of enthusiasts who will develop new capabilities to take advantage of this great keyboard.

Sponsors will have to choose, after the campaign, for which there are still 17 days to close, the type of buttons and the color options they wish to have for their unit, bearing in mind that this choice will not lead to substantial variations in the final price.

As we say, there are still 17 days of campaigning and, also, rewards still available, bearing in mind that at this point there are already rewards that are almost exhausted. The campaign itself has already far exceeded the $50,000 target and is expected to win new sponsors who want a unit of this keyboard for their work or personal environments.

All the details, as always, are available on the campaign’s website, although it is not known if a specific version will be available for the Spanish language, an aspect from which there are no references in it.