iOS 12 Beta 2 is already available

The new iOS 12, which was only presented at WWDC 2018 for about two weeks, was available as Beta 1 to paying developers immediately after the event. Now the second beta version has been released.

Apple’s new iOS 12 can now be downloaded in Beta 2 by paying developers and installed on iPhones, iPads and iPod touch. It runs on all devices on which iOS 11 could be installed. The new mobile operating system is not as full of innovations as its predecessor but should react much faster.

Of course, Apple has already made a few improvements. With ARKit 2.0, for example, there are new augmented reality functions that enable two users to play with their iPhones and iPads in the same AR world. In addition, the file format USDZ was developed, which can store AR scenes. If you want, you can now edit or create AR scenes in 3D applications such as Autodesk or Adobe Photoshop. This format can even be used on the web, which could offer completely new online shopping opportunities.

A few minutes ago, Apple’s head of software Craig Federighi officially announced iOS 12. As it was already apparent before, Apple will be using the… more

Apple’s new Measure app is a kind of AR ruler that can be used to measure real objects. Apps of this kind were previously available from third-party vendors, but Apple has now recognized the benefits for itself. ARKit 2.0 should be able to recognize faces and 3D objects better.

The photo app in iOS 12 has been significantly improved with regard to its search functions and now offers search suggestions that also work on the basis of automatically recognized objects, people and scenes. If you want, you can also use artificial intelligence when sharing photos with friends. This automatically suggests photos for sharing where the sharing partners can be seen.

Using the Siri shortcut function, users can teach the language assistant their own commands, for example for controlling apps. There is also a gallery of ready-made commands that users can download and use themselves. The automation seems to originate from the app workflow that Apple has adopted and extended.