Intel Optane has problems with Windows 10 May 2020 update

As it turns out, Windows 10 updates May 2020 with Intel Optane memory module incompatibility. Users will encounter many issues when they install this update on devices that have Optane. Complaints about this have appeared on social networking sites, Intel forums, and standard feedback applications.

Microsoft does not report such errors, but apparently, in which system features Optane. When you install the update with the Media Creation Tool, incompatibilities occur. On Windows 10, the update is installed only through the Media Creation Tool. Removing Optane memory pinning from the device (fixes Intel Optane memory) ), but will still try to start it, which will cause many errors and even performance issues.

Intel has confirmed that the Windows 10 May 2020 Update (version 2004) will address the compatibility issues that affect only the M10 and H10 models in the Optane memory models.

Collaborate with Microsoft to resolve this issue

Intel Optane, Intel Optane has problems with Windows 10 May 2020 update, Optocrypto

Win 10 May update and Intel Optane memory collision

The problem mainly manifests itself in Windows 10 telling you that it cannot be loaded on computers with installed Optane devices ” iaStorAfsServiceApi.dll”, which is the Optane part of the pinning function.

Microsoft is not currently blocking the update package that prevents Optane storage systems from receiving the May 2020 update. If the update does not appear on your Optane system, the device may exist because of a number of other known issues that Microsoft has confirmed Upgrade lockout scenario.

If you experience Optane Memory M10/ after you upgrade to the Windows 10 May 2020 update Problems with H10 systems can be addressed by following these Intel recommended steps.

1. Right-click the Start button – open Applications and Features.

2. Select Intel Optane Pinning Explorer. Enhancements to repair

The program can also be uninstalled to resolve compatibility issues that occur on your computer.