How to improve your WiFi signal in five easy steps

How to get good quality WiFi signal in your home or workplace? The router signal from your home does not always reach all your rooms equally. And depending on where and how you have it placed you can have quite a few blankets in some areas of your house. And this can be a headache when you have multiple connected devices spread throughout your home.

That’s why today we are going to suggest five simple steps with which to improve the signal of your WiFi network at home. In this we will review from which is the best place to locate or place the antennas to how to recognize if your neighbor’s router is interfering with your signal.

Take care of the location of your router

WiFi signal

Left a bad location for WiFi, right a good and centered.

Routers are not particularly nice devices. So many of us tend to put them in places where they are not too visible. But you have to keep in mind that the position of the router influences the signal a lot. And if we place it in an unfortunate site it is very possible that the coverage does not reach the whole house.

Therefore, it is recommended to place the router in the exact center of your home or as close as possible so that the signal is distributed well through the house. If you put it in a room that is at one end of your house, the signal will have to cross many walls and distance to reach the rooms farther away, while if you put it in the center of the house the signal More evenly.

It is also important to place the router in a relatively high position , because it sends the waves down and not doing so will be wasting part of its reach. Come on, do not put anything on the floor.

And finally you have to keep in mind how you surround your router. For example, even if you have the router in the middle of the house it will not do much good if you place it inside a closet or a false ceiling. The walls also limit the signal, so the more free of obstacles is better the coverage in all areas of your home.

Correctly position the antennas

Although aesthetically we can believe that it is as best as they are. If we want to optimize the signal of our router it is not advisable to put the two antennas upwards . Quiet if those of yours are like that, because it’s like they come out in almost every photo of the manufacturers, and it’s a pretty common mistake that many of us make.

It is advisable to place the antennas perpendicular, one in horizontal and the other in vertical . It was said by an Apple engineer a few years ago , and his explanation was that radio reception is maximized when both the client and the access point coincide with the polarization, come on, when the antennas are oriented in the same plane.

The summary is that the antennas have to draw a 90 degree angle between them. No, with this trick you will not see that your WiFi is now much faster, but it helps to improve the coverage in our devices and not suffer as much when they are somewhat away from the router.

Always updated router firmware

Firmware is an internal program of devices that controls the operation of their circuits. A kind of instructions they have stored in their internal storage. From time to time, manufacturers release firmware updates to improve some of the performance of their devices.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that the firmware of your router is always updated. Some routers do it automatically so you do not have to be on the go. You can check if yours does it in your manual. And if not you will have to update yourself from the administration page of your router. By using as we explained IP and

Look for the least saturated channels

In the same management page of your router, many times but not always on the same page where you change the basic values ​​as the name of the SSID. So there is another option called Control Channel . Choose one of the 13 channels on which your router can operate. It will usually be set to automatically choose the least congested channel, but this is an auto mode that is not always completely reliable.

European WiFi routers use channels from 1 to 13, operating between 2.401 and 2.483 MHz. This means that if you live in a neighborhood community. There may be several routers operating on the same channel. And your Signals are interfering with yours by subtracting some scope.

What you have to do is resort to free apps like Android Wifi Analyzer. Which analyze the status of the channels around you . In this application, for example, without giving any keys you can tell which is your router from all around you. And will tell you which channel you are on and which is recommended right now.

With this I have seen for example that the router has been configured automatically to use channel 1. But the least congested channels with the best connection would be the 8, 9 and 13. Let’s say that the router’s automatic mode does not Has made good

If all else fails think about a PLC

And if none of these tips is enough to bring a good WiFi signal to your living room or to a specific room. You always have the option of using a PLC . These are devices that carry the signal from your router to any area where you plug them through your home’s electrical network. And create a new WiFi point to connect to.

Just a few days ago we explained how to configure these devices. Which in essence you only have to connect one of them where you have the router and connect it to it through a cable. And the other in the place where you have poor coverage. It depends on your needs you have many models from several manufacturers. So it will not be too difficult to find one that fits you.