Hushme for Total Private Conversations

Hushme: The Silent Conversation Innovator

Hushme, a company known for its unconventional gadgets, unveiled its latest prototype at CES 2017. It looks like a headphone or a headset, but it offers a unique feature: complete audio invisibility. In other words, when you speak or listen, you become inaudible to the world, making it a tool for private and quiet conversations. Let’s explore what more this headset has to offer.

1. Does Hushme support wireless communications?

2. Are there different presets in Hushme for sound effects?

3. What would be the price of this gadget?

The Hushme headset can be used in two modes. In the normal hands-free mode, users can have private conversations without being overheard. However, it also has an induced voicing application mode, where users can mask their voices for various environmental situations. In this mode, users can wirelessly connect Hushme to an integrated application that adds sound effects to their voice, such as wind, rainfall, or even monkey howling and squirrel sounds mixed with their actual speech. This allows users to manipulate their acoustic environment by selecting the appropriate preset in the application.

Innovating Sound Masking for Mobile Phones

What makes this prototype special is that it’s the first sound-masking device designed for mobile phones. It can be used in a simple hands-free mode or in voice-suppressing mode, where the built-in dampers prevent your voice from escaping into the outside world. This project is still in the creation phase, and the company plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign to fund the project and bring it to market.

Hushme’s Global Journey

Although the manufacturer of Hushme is currently based in the US, the company’s roots trace back to Ukraine. Hushme vendors are gearing up for a marketing campaign, and they intend to offer their hardware for approximately $200. This gadget is ideal for corporate environments where privacy is paramount. With the ability to switch between different sound presets, users can transform their voice into anything from a serene jungle atmosphere to the sounds of wild animals.