Graphite, office automation center with decentralized technology

There are many applications for desktops/mobiles or web services. That use decentralized technologies such as Blockchain. That is one of the best known, widely used in the financial market. Also, Graphite is one of those proposals that decided to embark on this path. And it is beneficial for those who need to create, edit and share documents regularly.

Blockstack, privacy guaranteed?

Graphite, office automation center with decentralized technology

Graphite hosts several office applications developed under Blockstack technology. Also, has already been producing web tools for three years. So, to use this technology and any of the apps created with this methodology you must create an account on its official website.

The main idea of this center of productivity applications is to provide the opportunity for its users to manage their documents directly in the cloud. That comes without being stored on corporate servers and the information becomes vulnerable.

The creator of this apps center believes that it is necessary to have this type of tool. That separates us from some services that do not offer the privacy that we all deserve to have. Also, there is the high possibility of creating a mobile version or a function that incorporates real-time collaboration. So, it is something that would undoubtedly displace others such as Google Drive.

Applications of Graphite

However, we must wait for the apps that Graphite contains to be placed on a par with the services we already know. Since for now, they are in a trial version. That is without this meaning that they are not on the right track: Both Documents, Sheets, Contacts, and Conversations, are very well planted applications that are worth trying.

For security we should not worry, in addition to being completely decentralized, the information that we put in the hands of Graphite will be encrypted. If you want to review the development code, you can access its page on GitHub.

For more information and to start testing this great digital utility, click here.