Google’s new AI can analyze and rate images according to their appearance

Thanks to AI (artificial intelligence), photo applications help us find objects within our images. And for now, they are not able to decide if they deserve to share a specific photograph. Thanks to Google’s work, this is now possible. The reason is that the company would have developed an artificial intelligence. That is capable of analyzing and scoring images based on their aesthetics and appearance.

Google’s new AI can analyze and rate images according to their appearance

As we have seen in the Google research blog, the technology giant is working on a system. That makes use of a neural network for punctual photos. That is based on what he thinks we like (both in technical and aesthetic terms). To achieve this, the Google AI trains with a set of images based on a histogram of scores (such as photos of contests). Also, that allows you to get an idea of the quality of an image in a more accurate and complex.

The result of this work is a system that manages to replicate the average score of real people when evaluating the quality of different photographs. The potential of this technology is quite high because it could help us find our best photos without having to navigate through all those that have gone blurry. In turn, it could be extremely useful in image editing tools.

Although for the moment it is a technology with no real application. Also, we can not deny that a system of this type would open a large number of possibilities. As always, we will closely follow the evolution of the project. That in the near future could be incorporated into some of the most common tools and platforms.

Source: Google Research Blog.