Google Photos now allows you to edit locations through its web version

There is no doubt that Google Photos is a great tool for managing your own photos in the Google cloud. Now, according to Android Police, the web version of this service is adding the ability to edit locations in the photos we upload.

This is a feature that is coming to the web version but is not currently available in their mobile applications.

Just go to the information button with an i-shaped closed-circle icon on each photo, and on the information sidebar that will open, at the end of the options you will be given the option to edit your location, whether you have location information but it may be inaccurate or erroneous or if you do not have it at all.

And there’s even the ability to select multiple photos and set the location of all of them at once, so you don’t have to change the location from photo to photo.

It should be noted that the contributions we make will only be taken into account within the service, so it does not modify the original information in the photographs themselves, that is, when we download the photographs, the locations we have added or edited in the service will not be added to them.

It’s a minor change but we already know that small things can make a great product, and if Google Photos itself is, thanks mainly to its powerful search engine, this addition improves the possibilities when it comes to managing photos.