Google Maps now allows you to travel and explore Pluto, Venus and the moons of Saturn.

For years it has been possible to go to the moon or Mars and see more closely the photos of satellites orbiting, for example, the red planet. Today Google Maps adds other planets and moons and expands its capacities to significant part of the solar system

 What’s new in Google Maps?

NASA, or the European Space Agency, or the space agencies of China, Russia or India, send information from their missions to everyone in the world. The maps of the Moon, Mars, and other planets are becoming complete and accurate thanks to the tens of thousands of photographs sent from astronomical distances impossible to understand. Thanks to Google Maps we can enjoy mapping and visit these strange worlds that make up our Solar System.

Steps to Use Google Maps Offline Without Internet

Now Google Maps has added other celestial bodies such as the Dione moons, Enceladus, Iapetus, Mimas, Rhea and Titan, all rotating around Saturn, as well as the moons of Jupiter: Europe, Ganymede, and Io. But if all this seems too little, Google has also included the dwarf planets Pluto and Ceres, as well as the entire planet Venus. Now visit other worlds and see their peculiarities is at the distance of a click.

The new worlds included in Google Maps are due to the images of NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA used its Cassini spacecraft to send thousands of photos of Saturn, a subject we can now enjoy.

The reality is that this effort from Google and the space agencies involved is excellent. For example, you can enter Google Maps from the browser. So, go to satellite mode and click the zoom-out button until one leaves the planet and is then “floating” in space. And then you can travel to all those new worlds that will undoubtedly make our panorama expand.
