Google Bulletin, this is the new Google news service

Now Google wants to become a local journalist with its new news service, Google Bulletin. Under the slogan ‘Be the voice of your community,’ the new news feed of the Internet giant wants to worry about the news that concerns the neighbors of a small community. So, urging the neighbors to become chroniclers, uploading photographs and telling what bothers them.

If you are interested in your community, Google Bulletin is for you

For example, imagine that in your city there has been a storm. That has ended up flooding a large part of its streets and squares. The amateur ‘journalist,’ any neighbor, can tell the story in Google Bulletin, accompanying the text of their photographs and videos. So, classifying the document with labels … everything exactly as if it were a personal blog. Except that it is not, but will belong to Google.

With Google Bulletin the company wants to focus on those little stories that are not in the mainstream media, but that end up affecting more than others, especially among neighbors in the same location. Also, the news published in Google Bulletin can be shared as any web page, through social networks and messaging services.

So that everyone can be able to upload their own stories. So, developers of the company have created a free and lightweight application. That comes without requiring any additional configuration for its use. So, that any user of mobile without solid knowledge can start. Of course, they can upload their own stories to Google Bulletin.