Google apologizes for the bugs in Google Home and Chromecast

This week, on Wednesday in particular, the Google Home was not working all day, as many of you know. In this manner, millions of users can no longer use the loudspeaker. The Chromecasts also had problems with their operation. The problem has been solved yesterday and Google has finally decided to give some explanations and apologize.

Google apologizes for the bugs in Google Home and Chromecast

The American company has already launched a solution for these faults, which should already be available to all users with some of the devices. And they have explained more about the origin of this serious failure.

Problems with Google Home and Chromecast

All users using Google Home and/or Chromecast have received an email from the American company. What was the origin of this error? A fault was detected in one of the backend systems. And they spent the day trying to solve the problem, which took longer than expected.

But, as we told you, users with Google Home should already have this solution to the bug. So the devices should work normally again. If they do not, the company asks users to contact them.

We will see if there will be any more failures of this magnitude with the firm’s intelligent loudspeaker, as this was probably the most serious failure to date. Millions of users have been unable to use it for a day.