Ghost Giant: Puzzle Adventure for PSVR announced

Zoink Games announced the puzzle adventure Ghost Giant for PlayStation VR at E3. What is it about, are implementations for other platforms planned and when can we dive into the colorful game world?

The creators of Fe and Flipping Death announced the game Ghost Giant for PlayStation VR at E3 in Los Angeles. The puzzle adventure already shows a lot of potentials. But what exactly awaits us?

Ghost Giant: Lonely Louis and his big friend

Ghost Giant tells the story of Lone Louis. However, he is only alone until the name-giving giant comes into his life in ghost form. The player takes control and experiences exciting adventures with Louis from now on. Sounds a bit like The Last Guardian with inverted signs, as we played the little boy in Sony’s game and not the big protector.

Ghost Giant already appeals visually with its loving design and brightly colored graphics. In terms of content, Zoink Games promises great things, as the well-known writer Sara Bergmark Elfgren has been won over for the story about friendship and cohesion.

As a giant, you have the playful opportunity to rotate entire buildings and observe the stories unfolding in them. Your main goal, of course, is to help little Louis in all situations.

When will Ghost Giant for PlayStation VR be released?

Ghost Giant has no specific release date yet. The adventure is also under development exclusively for PlayStation VR.

Since it will take some time until Ghost Giant will be released, you can still spend a lot of time with the excellent Moss. Alternatively, Along Together is certainly worth a look.

What’s your impression of Ghost Giant? Write it to us in the comments!