FACEPAINT A 360 degree With Depth Painting in Virtual Reality For Gear VR

This time we introduce the new virtual reality application FACEPAINT.

FACEPAINT A 360 degree With Depth Painting in Virtual Reality

With this application you can draw in space with Gear VR. There is also a famous application for HTC Vive  under the name “Tilt Brush” for the same purpose. In which you can freely walk around and circle freely up to 3 m × 4 m in the drawing application in VR. But in this application there are advance features for Gear VR. Here you can have a 360 degree surrounding space. With a depth feature you can freely paint.

You can freely use the space of 360 degrees around for painting

The operation is simple. You can move the neck while tapping and draw a line with a brush in the space in front of you. The pallet on the left moves with the neck when tapping, and stops on the spot when you release your finger. Since the pallet moves automatically while drawing a picture, it does not enter the middle of sight and does not get in the way.


You can draw anywhere in 360 ​​degrees around you. Of course also there is space above and below which covers the 360 degrees. It is a feeling that space became a canvas for painting. It might be a good idea to draw a picture using the scenery around the sun etc.

FACEPAINT Adjust the depth freely

Another feature other than 360 degrees is the ability to create depth. When you slide your finger backward while tapping the touchpad, the line drawn with the brush moves to the back. Of course you can also move to the near side.

Since you can change the depth while drawing a line, you can draw such a picture with a single stroke. However, there is no function to change the depth without drawing a line.


You can also adjust the depth and draw a line on the surface of the water. And, when you can often see the surface of the water. Also you can see what is drawn on water is also reflected on surface. It may be interesting to try making a working like this.

The thing to watch out for this purpose is that there is no eraser function and you have to erase all the paintings you have drawn in order to erase the part you drew. Also note that there is no function to save pictures.

Although it is not suitable for drawing full-fledged pictures, it has become an app that feels ample pleasure even with graffiti level. To be able to draw pictures which surround yourself and to be able to use the concept of depth .That is the application for fun only.

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