Facebook creates system that opens the eyes of the faces in the pictures

If you have ever gone out with your eyes closed on the best picture in the world, don’t worry, the problem has a solution.

Facebook has developed an artificial intelligence system to replace closed eyes with open eyes, something made possible by an automatic learning system that tries to deceive itself into thinking that its creations are real.

One part of the system learns to recognize, for example, faces, and another part of the system repeatedly creates images that gradually grow in realism until the first system believes they are real. In this case, the network is trained to recognize and reproduce open and convincing eyes.

In general, these types of systems end up glueing open eyes without changing the colour of the skin around them, but Facebook has created software that takes into account many more variables, including the type of eye: its shape, colours, etc..

In the results, it is possible to see quite realistic images, since otherwise, the first system would not identify it as a realistic face.

They say on CT that it’s still possible to see faults in some situations, creating foreign objects if a person’s eye is partially covered by a lock of hair, for example, or fooling themselves with the colour of the eye… but nothing that can’t be fixed.

The utility is obvious: a system that improves the photos we put on Facebook, opening the eyes of those who closed them at the time.