Curie: Google will build three new submarine cables, one of them in Latin America

The Google team announced plans to build three new submarine cables by 2019. That gets active as part of its infrastructure expansion. One of them is Curie, who has been named by the scientist Marie Curie and will connect Chile with California. That is particularly special, as it will mark a milestone in Google’s achievements:

With Curie, we became the first major telecommunications company to build a private intercontinental cable.

Also, this will bring innumerable benefits, since they will be able to control every stage of the design, construction, and dynamics, as they mention in their communication, taking the users the potential of their network, which promises speed, security and reliability.

What will Curie do?

This project will bring significant advantages to Latin America, and of course, may lead to new proposals in content and services from Google.

The other submarine cable is called Havfrue. That comes in collaboration with Facebook and aims to improve traffic in the North Atlantic, connecting the US, Ireland, and Denmark. They plan to have it in operation by the end of 2019. And the last one is HK-G, which connects Hong Kong with Guam, focusing its attention on the Asia Pacific.

Along with this announcement of new submarine cables, they also commented on its expansion to five new regions.