Creator Portal: Magic Leap Starter Guide for Developers

The Magic Leap Creator Portal provides support for developers in creating the first content for the augmented reality glasses Magic Leap One since a while. The company is now expanding its offering with a series of guides and online courses.

Just over a month ago, there was fresh information about the ambitious Augmented Reality headset Magic Leap One and its content strategy, which manufacturer Magic Leap is pursuing with its ambitious hardware. While the headset still has no specific release date, potential software developers are slowly getting down to business.

Help for Content Creator

Magic Leap opened a portal for Content Creator on its website this spring to help app developers to create their own content. First of all, the Software Development Kit must be designed to appeal to Lumin creative minds who are familiar with common game engines such as Unity and Unreal or the C++ programming language.

However, those who have little or no experience in software development should not be ignored. Interested parties can now acquire knowledge in the use of these engines via free online courses.

Software development even without hardware

Magic Leap One is expected to be launched before the end of this year. However, the manufacturer has not yet communicated a purchase price. But he wants to make sure that even programmers can create content without expensive hardware.

The Magic Leap Remote program allows developers to create and test code without putting on the actual headset. For example, changes in Unity and Unreal should be reflected in preview windows without much fuss.

It will also be interesting to see how many Magic Leap apps are being developed without a focus on entertainment. While some games will certainly be released for the device, it is the use in industry, in particular, that is currently providing enthusiastic growth forecasts for the augmented reality market.

What do you think of Magic Leap’s Creator program? Can you imagine going to the app developers yourself? Share your opinion with us in the comments!