Best tools to synchronize your bookmarks on different devices

iCloud Bookmarks

Unlike in the past, it is now common to interact with more than one device. Many of us continuously switch between desktop computers, laptops, cell phones, and tablets, all of which come with multiple browsers. So keeping all your bookmarks with you and synchronized automatically can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are several tools available … Read more

Insert your Instagram stories on your own blog with EmbedStories

Many social networks like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, offer insertion codes associated with each of their posts, just to embed them in our websites or blogs. Others like Facebook even allow placing an entire album of photographs. In many sites such as digital newspapers, we see how instead of quoting a tweet they place it directly, … Read more

This is how Siri learns a new language

You probably spend long hours with Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant. She, the patient, responds with humor and wit when you try to make her dizzy. But no, he does not just speak Castilian. In fact, Siri is an entire multilingual capable of communicating in 24 languages and can distinguish the peculiarities of the same language in different countries. Logically, the same Spanish is not spoken in Spain … Read more

Fall Creators Update Windows 10, 5 Best New Features

We have come with the new outstanding features that we will have in upcoming Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. The next big version of Windows 10, known as “Fall Creators Update,” will arrive in a few months with many functions. But in this post, we will unveil what are in our opinion the top 5 new features of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

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Best Windows Apps for Money Management

Financial management is essential to have an adequate administration of our monetary resources, which otherwise would very likely end up being dilapidated. If you want to keep track of your accounts, keep a budget or perform other money management tasks, there is an excellent selection of personal finance software to help you use your income efficiently. … Read more

AMD B450 vs B350 vs X470: Differences between chipsets

With the arrival of the AMD Ryzen 2000 processors, we have introduced a new generation of motherboards with the AMD 400 chipsets, which so far only contain the X470 and B450 chipsets, so we will analyze the differences between them and the previous models. AMD B450 vs B350 vs X470, differences between chipsets. First of … Read more

Lithium vs LiPo vs Nickel batteries What are their differences?

Lithium batteries have become popular in new mobile devices, laptops, and even other devices such as robots, vacuum cleaners, cordless tools, and so on. However, there are not only these batteries but also nickel batteries, which are also very popular, even if they are used for other types of devices. Lithium batteries are a type … Read more

iPhone or iPad iOS 11 public beta version available for installtion

In the afternoon of yesterday, Apple surprised us with the early launch of the first public beta of iOS 11. That was presented a little more than twenty days ago in the event of the Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC 2017. If you are not a developer but require to try the first-hand beta version of iOS11 with all the new features of the new mobile operating system on your iPhone or iPad, then you can do it right now.

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Best programming languages ​​of 2018

Find out the best programming languages ​​of 2018. The programming sector is positioned as one of the most important for this 2018 in the technological field. With so many options and demand, each specialist in the area must be prepared for all kinds of situations, being able to handle different programs and focusing on one correctly. Currently, … Read more

Free applications for editing GoPro videos

The GoPro cameras are already a reference for the rest of the action cameras created and to be designed, because they are the best on the market: they offer excellent image quality and functions adapted to the needs of those who want to record their outdoor adventures graphically, above all. But the popularity of these … Read more