AR Poser: Disney creates avatars that you can mimic in the augmented reality

This is a great innovation for Disney Research. Tomorrow the avatars of Mickey, Pluto or even Darth Vader and Captain America can mimic your postures to take the best selfie.

Right now it’s just a prototype. AR Poser, that opens up the field of possibilities that Disney Research rarely had before for the experiment in its parks. We explain why this avatar posture imitation system is great.

Avatars imitating by image recognition

The AR Poser concept is “relatively” simple. The prototype analyses your position in a scene using image recognition and then tries to identify the position you have taken. For example, if you make a “dab” or the “V of Victory”, it will know how to make the difference. Then the application displays a digital avatar at the same location, depending on what’s in its database.

Specifically, this would make it possible to make a selfie with any character in the Disney world very quickly. When you think about taking a picture with Mickey or Minnie, we know parents who could be happy. Of course, children can’t touch the model directly this time, but we can also imagine applications with the movie posters or with applications for publishing certain movies. The application possibilities of the American giant seem dizzying. And we can well imagine that the database will grow, which is the main current limitation.