Apple releases an update that fixes the FaceTime bug

The bug discovered a few weeks ago in FaceTime has caused Apple many headaches. Therefore, the company apologized to the users for the error. In their discussion, they promised to release an update in a few days. This would completely neutralize the bug that was present in the app.

Looks like it didn’t take them long to keep their word. After all, this update is already released for users. Deployment began a few hours ago.

Apple fixes FaceTime bug

The iOS 12.1.4 update has been released and can now be downloaded to mobile phones. In this way Apple fixes this bug which occurred a few weeks ago in FaceTime and caused many problems and comments. Fortunately, users already have access to this update, so the problem is a thing of the past.

Although the update itself says nothing about the bug in the app. It is only said that it corrected some important errors that have occurred. The company said that the update would be released in a week, what they have done.

Hopefully the failure will be removed forever. Apple users already receive the update on their iPhone. As mentioned earlier, it started a few hours ago, but should now be available worldwide.
