Android Oreo still has a very low share, although 8 months have passed since its launch

Android 8.0 Oreo debuted in August last year. Later, in December, Google released an update in the form of Android 8.1. However, it turns out that a few months after its launch, the total share of these systems is still small and amounts to less than 5%. The most popular is still the Nougat from 2016.

Android Oreo still has a very low share, although eight months have passed since its launch

Updates in the world of Android is the subject of the river. Google this week published a fresh summary, which revealed the share of each version of the platform. Android 8.x Oreo has a total percentage of just 4.6%, where the latest version (8.1) has only 0.5%. That’s really not much, and let’s remember that Oreo made his debut in August.

The most popular version of Android is Nougat from 2016. Its share is 30.8%. Marshmallow came in second with a 26% score. Lollipop from 2014 is also quite good, as its share is as high as 23%. The exact shares can be found below.

Unfortunately, we have been used to this for years. The fact that Project Treble announced in 2017, may to some extent improve the situation remains a consolation, as it is to facilitate the delivery of updates to smartphones with Android 8.0 Oreo and newer versions of the system. It remains to be believed that this will be the case.

If the current version of Google is essential for you, you can look around the offer of smartphones from Oreo, which you will find in Polish shops. Contrary to appearances, there are not so many of them, and you can choose from dozens of models.