AMD Ryzen 4000 Renoir PRO desktop CPU prices and specifications Listed

The Ryzen 4000 series of APU processors (Renoir) could soon be on the market. Dutch retailer Centralpoint has put several processors on pre-sale with an expected inventory date of July 17th, but it is important to note that retailers in the past have shared specifications and prices with position values, which means that these listings could be different at launch.

AMD Ryzen 4000, launch is imminent

AMD Renoir brings Zen 2 CPU and Vega GPU microarchitectures to a monolithic node. Ryzen’s 4000 series chips continue to use an AM4 socket. The Ryzen 4000 series is similar to its predecessors in that it appears to use a 65W TDP (Thermal Design Power).

Centralpoint listed the Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G, Ryzen 5 Pro 4650G, and Ryzen 3 Pro 4350G. The parts mentioned are obviously Pro versions of the main models and bring their own list of business-oriented features. But in terms of specifications, the Pro models have similar characteristics to the non-Pro chips.

The Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G and Ryzen 5 Pro 4650G are 8-core and 6-core APUs respectively, while the Ryzen 3 Pro 4350G has 4 cores. In this generation, AMD has enabled SMT on all APUs, including the entry-level Ryzen 3.

The prices for Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G, Ryzen 5 Pro 4650G, and Ryzen 3 Pro 4350G are $370, $252,and $177 respectively, excluding VAT. The prices seem to be very high, and this may be due to the fact that they are advance sale prices.

As the release of the AMD Ryzen 4000 Renoir 4000 desktop APU is imminent, we will soon learn more about AMD’s official pricing. AMD is expected to host the Ryzen 3000XT Matisse Refresh on July 7th, and more details will be announced at the CPU launch. We will keep you informed.