Amazon and eBay stop selling stuffed animals that spied on children

A year ago it was revealed that a company that manufactures intelligent stuffed animals called Spiral Toys compiled the recordings that the animals made. All of them were then sent to a server. They were stored there without any protection or care. Although measures were taken, more problems were discovered in these stuffed animals, which were available in stores such as Amazon or eBay.

Amazon and eBay stop selling stuffed animals that spied on children

These teddies presented many safety problems, they were vulnerable, so it made many people indignant that they were still available on the market. That’s why many groups have pressured these stores until they have withdrawn them.

The stuffed animals have a microphone that allows them to record everything the child says, and they can record messages if they want to. This data, which was stored on a server, was accessed several times by unauthorized persons. In addition, it has been reported that people were being blackmailed. So the problem was pretty serious already.

Finally, pressure from these groups has taken effect. And two major stores like eBay and Amazon have announced that they are no longer selling these stuffed animals. This has been in the United States, because some stores like the one in Spain are still present, even as a recommended product.

But it seems that little by little we are going to see how these stuffed animals are withdrawn from the market definitively. At least, we can see that Amazon and eBay have taken the first step in this direction.