AIY Vision Kit: Google launches computer vision kit for projects with Raspberry Pi Zero W

After the success obtained with the launch of AIY Voice Kit. Now we have an AIY Projects development kit for creators to integrate voice recognition capabilities in their projects; Google now launches AIY Vision Kit. That is a new development kit with some necessary components for creators to incorporate skills of computer vision and image recognition for projects being carried out based on the Raspberry Pi Zero W.

AIY Vision Kit: Google launches computer vision kit for projects with Raspberry Pi Zero W

Among the components of the kit, AIY-visionkit-bonnet is the VisionBonnet board. That has a low power vision processing unit, precisely the Intel® Movidius ™ MA2450. Also, according to Google that is capable of executing models of neural networks in the own device. That means that all processing is done locally without the need to depend on the cloud.

The creators will have to purchase separately a Raspberry Pi Zero W, a Raspberry Pi camera. Also, there is an SD card and a power supply to be able to create their projects with the AIY Vision Kit.

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Regarding software, Google offers three models of neural networks based on TensorFlow for different vision applications. Where the first one, based on MobileNets, allows the recognition of thousands of ordinary objects. Also, the second one allows recognizing faces and expressions, and the third allows to acknowledge people, cats, and dogs.

For those who want, a tool to compile models for Vision Kit also comes with it. Also, there is even an API in Python that allows changing the colors of the arcade-style RGB button integrated into the kit, adjusting sounds and accessing the four GPIO buttons.

Google says that the new kit will arrive in stores at the beginning of December. Also, without specifying more about it, is, for now, possible to pre-order the kit in a specific online store for about 45 dollars. And the availability is expected, according to the store, for December 31.