Review – AMD Ryzen, processors that we should not underestimate

Much has already been written about AMD Ryzen and in Optocrypto you have been able to see a good amount of tests of several of its processors. That is from the lower range to the highest range with Threadripper. But in the end, it is about valuing what AMD Ryzen can really offer the user. But not the enthusiastic or humble user of the economic sector. If not the average user, who has to value the Ryzen platform as an all-terrain vehicle. That average user, is also usually the user gamer, the user who seeks to sit in front of his computer to spend hours in his favorite games and that he has bought a medium price computer to be able to do so. And that user, is pointed out by AMD Ryzen.

AMD Ryzen Tests

This is clear from the myriad of tests we have seen on the net, that AMD Ryzen cannot provide an enthusiastic performance maximum level in terms of CPU playing. So we discard that to get the maximum framerate of each graph you buy for that platform in case of equipping an AMD Ryzen and of course for those who want to mark records in terms of the benchmark is completely out of place. But that’s not what average users do. The average user wants to play, if possible at 60fps in modern games or in those most popular free-to-play or online shooters have higher framerates if it’s possible to compete in the better conditions against the other players.


AMD Ryzen 60 FPS

While Ryzen cannot achieve the maximum rate of framerates, the truth is that on the other hand. He defends himself to achieve a respectable 60fps or more. Many people seem to underestimate these processors because of what happened during the time of AMD FX with the unpopular Bulldozer and could not be more wrong, Ryzen nowadays offers a monocore performance that far surpasses the third generation of Intel processors and even in some tests come close to what the fourth or fifth generation can offer us. And of course, we do not see anyone despise an i7 2600K or an i7 4790K. Which is still very valuable for gaming, in fact, many people still use their Core i5 from past generations without major problems.

AMD Ryzen Zen architecture

One day AMD arrives with its new Zen architecture and its new Ryzen processors and offers you a processor like the Ryzen 5 1500X four cores. And eight threads for just over 180 € or some of its cheaper variants for something less than price, and if you stop to think.

You are offering something like a generation of i7 several years ago with a consumption of 65W almost half of what costs a modern Core i7. In a price line where Intel can barely offer its Core i5 four-core and four-wire, with processors locked in addition. And I can not forget Ryzen 5 1600X as an alternative from my ideal point of view. With a processor of six cores and twelve threads, at a price of about 230 €, which is completely laughable, although with a higher TDP up to 95W regarding his younger brother.

ASUS Crosshair VI Extreme motherboard for AMD Ryzen

You are offering something like a generation of i7 several years ago with a consumption of 65W almost half of what costs a modern Core i7. In a price line where Intel can barely offer its Core i5 four-core and four-wire, with processors locked in addition.

AMD Ryzen Pricing

And I can not forget Ryzen 5 1600X as an alternative from my ideal point of view, with a processor of six cores and twelve threads, at a price of about 230 €, which is completely laughable, although with a higher TDP up to 95W regarding his younger brother.

Any of these processors not having great overclocking capabilities, as it is difficult to go from the line of the 4Ghz, makes it easy to equip them on motherboards that if they are cheaper than what we find in Intel, above any base plate almost low or medium range serves us in the environment of 100 € to have a very high quality equipment, perfect for a gamer with certain requirements.

Ryzen 5 1500X GPU

Having saved in CPU, obviously allows us to better adjust our budget, since if with an Intel i7 we considered a GTX 1060, now with a Ryzen 5 1500X we have the possibility to easily equip a GTX 1070 with the difference in price. Although this is a simple example and can be applied in many ways.



AMD Ryzen 12 or 16 Cores?

Of course, this does not end here, as Ryzen comes to market with very humble cut processors such as Ryzen 3 1200 for just over € 100 and with four cores / wires that will provide a great performance even for the most humble teams. Or on the other hand we have its platform enthusiast with AMD Threadripper that brings much more CPU power based on processors of 12 and 16 cores for those who need more for intensive tasks, although the processor Ryzen 7 1700X already offers quite in this respect with its 8 cores.

AMD Ryzen Summary

In summary for our readers, I recommend not to underestimate the Ryzen platform, which is causing AMD to recover CPU market quickly against an Intel that has not known to react in time, in the end not everything is the most powerful CPU in mononucleus, if not that most users end up balancing their computers according to their budgets. If the same assemblers have realized that AMD Ryzen equipment is worth selling, we should at least consider giving these new processors a try.

AMD explains how memory and PCIe lines work in Ryzen